If that's the case the people running our government must smoke tons of it.
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JoinedPosts by read good books
Marijuana may increase psychosis risk, analysis says
by ithinkisee in(article link)
marijuana may increase psychosis risk, analysis says.
london, england (ap) -- using marijuana seems to increase the chance of becoming psychotic, researchers report in an analysis of past research that reignites the issue of whether pot is dangerous.
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The GB- Governing Bod.
The GE -Gestapo elders
The GP- Gullible publishers
The GD-God D*med-us-(quit, kicked out)
Possible missing link found!!!
by MadTiger inbetween the octopus and the squid!!!
: .
read good books
I am for keeping all the creatures on this planet confined to the ones created by God, unlike like creatures like the spider goat created by the genetic engineers working for the global elite.
JW use of federal bennies and illegal immigration
by dontomas inhi folks.
some of the posts i saw here today put me in mind to ask this question.
it seems like jws more than most would be or could soon be dependent upon some form of government largesse (medicaid, social security, welfare, food stamps....) far beyond their own contribution to the till, as it were.
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The last time I checked the USA was still a Democracy. So if they want a North American Union shouldn't that be put to a vote. We fought a revolution in order for the U.S. to become a country. The elitists are trying to destroy it and were suppose to sit back like passive sheep and accept the death of our country and it's borders. I refuse to. The USA is not a "state of mind" Mr. Bush it's a country, with a constitution, a bill of rights and borders. If you want to change that put it to a vote.I
Have you read Mein Kampf?
by AK - Jeff ini have always been mildly interested in modern german history.
but, like most jdubs, other than an occasional article in a newpaper or magazine, or a hurried reading of historical texts, i never took the time.
[there was always more preaching to do, more meetings to attend, more kingdom halls to clean].
read good books
Yes, and if you read the first 100 pages of 'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich' it is exactly what's going on here in the United States. If you read these books please think about whats going on in America today. They are attacking free speech right now, Trent Lott, Newt Gingrich attacking free speech and the Constitution, in Britain Tony Blair wants a Chineese style internet, totally controlled, no more free speech, the internet is the last place where free speech is not controlled. The Internation Bankers who brought Hitler to power and finaced him control both of our Political Parties today Were literally in the last minutes of our Democracy unless Americans wake up and find out.
What's your opinion on genetic engineering?
by LtCmd.Lore inare you opposed to it?
where do you see it heading?.
would you allow your future child to be genetically altered if you knew it would drastically improve them?
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Well I have read that they have done some things that I just can't agree with. Like putting a spider's gene into a goat so that when it has milk it will also give a web material that can be used for bullet proof vests. Don't believe me, check it out on the internet.
And they have experiemented with putting human genes in goats, and sheep. Monsanto puts a gene in corn that makes it resistent to bugs, but it is also hard on the kidneys of humans that eat it and it's in most corn, which is used in lot of other products. Plus there is speculation that the honey bees get into this corn because of the all pollen that's in corn it is screwing up their inners too, Einstien said we can't live more than three or four years without bees because they pollinate all the plants. So until you have people who have some scruples doing the engineering I say no.
Gun Control Works...
by read good books ininformation used here was copied from an article by richard poe-"don't blame liberals for gun control.'.
turkey established gun control in 1911.. *from 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.. the sovied union established gun control in 1929.. *from 1929 to 1953 20 million political dissenters, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.. germany established gun control in 1938.. *from 1939 to 1945 13 million jews, catholics, gypsies, socialists, homosexuals, trade unionists, disabled and mentally ill .
people, and other "mongolized peoples," unable to defend themselves were rounded up and were exterminated.
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neverendingjourney if they do come after us with tanks and nukes I would rather have a guns to shoot back at them then wave a hanky and surrender so they can put me in one of those FEMA camps. Guns beat sling shots and pocket knives.
5go- Hitler pushed a law in 1938 that forbid Jewish children to have guns or work in a gun shop, I believe that added to the 1928 German law prohibiting Jews from having guns. I never read that Hitler cared whether the German people have guns, they loved Hitler for the most part, thats why he could ride around in an open car and give speeches out in the open public. You don't see our Presidents doing that today. If the Jews had been allowed to have guns one of them would probably have popped Hitler and history would have been changed, and I am sure thats why he didn't want them to have guns. That is my whole point about guns.
UK paedophiles face castration
by fullofdoubtnow inthis is on yahoo news this morning.
i see it's going to be voluntary rather than compulsory which, for the prptection of children from such people, maybe it should be.
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Since some of the leaders in U.S. politics and industry are pedofiles I doubt this will be impemented any time soon.
Gun Control Works...
by read good books ininformation used here was copied from an article by richard poe-"don't blame liberals for gun control.'.
turkey established gun control in 1911.. *from 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.. the sovied union established gun control in 1929.. *from 1929 to 1953 20 million political dissenters, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.. germany established gun control in 1938.. *from 1939 to 1945 13 million jews, catholics, gypsies, socialists, homosexuals, trade unionists, disabled and mentally ill .
people, and other "mongolized peoples," unable to defend themselves were rounded up and were exterminated.
read good books
Don't say nothing bad has happened in Britain since gun control. Right now Tony Blair wants to take away your internet rights and give you a restricted internet like the CHINEESE MODEL. GULP. AND The British people did not want to enter the European Union, for good reason but their cramming it down your throat as we speak and you will loose many personal rights and rights in your own court system. GASP YOU BRITS NEED TO GET YOUR GUNS BACK! God save us if they get our guns in the U.S. God save us.
Well actually in Britain when guns were taken away crime went up. Home break ins went up, even car theft went up. Ditto for Australia. The Australian police killed the real Crockadile Dundee, the guy who was the model for the movie character, when he refused to surrender his guns. By contrast in a small city in Georgia (I havel forgotten name) when they passed a law requring citizens to carry guns crime went down over 90 per cent.
Gun Control Works...
by read good books ininformation used here was copied from an article by richard poe-"don't blame liberals for gun control.'.
turkey established gun control in 1911.. *from 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.. the sovied union established gun control in 1929.. *from 1929 to 1953 20 million political dissenters, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.. germany established gun control in 1938.. *from 1939 to 1945 13 million jews, catholics, gypsies, socialists, homosexuals, trade unionists, disabled and mentally ill .
people, and other "mongolized peoples," unable to defend themselves were rounded up and were exterminated.
read good books
Information used here was copied from an article by Richard Poe-"Don't Blame Liberals for Gun Control.'
Turkey established gun control in 1911.
*From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
The Sovied Union established gun control in 1929.
*From 1929 to 1953 20 million political dissenters, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938.
*From 1939 to 1945 13 million jews, Catholics, Gypsies, Socialists, homosexuals, trade unionists, disabled and mentally ill
people, and other "mongolized peoples," unable to defend themselves were rounded up and were exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956.
*From 1975 to 1977 1 million "educated people." unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Guatamala also established gun control in 1964.
* From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated
In favor of Gun Control-Hitler (for the Jews), and Stalin
Against Gun Control-Mahatma Gandhi-"Among the misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving of a
whole nation of it's arms as the blackest."-Mahatma Gandhi.
Genocide is only possible with Gun Control.
Fact-The U.S. government just passed the most comphrensive Gun Control legislation in the U.S. (in the House) ever.
Oh an added thought during the American Revolution the Patriots brought their own guns. Good thing for our Republic they had some.